
Please read both messages that I have sent previously this morning as it was too long to be posted in one message.
          	Thank you 
          	M xx


@enzorence Thank you so much. It has been a torrid time and I know my books are in safe hands with @Bhangoo 
          	  M xx


@mossfordgreen I so enjoyed all of our interactions here. I am so very sad and angry that things had to come to this on account of the stupidity that has invaded the management of this site.
          	  at the same time, I am happy that you have found a solution in Bhangoo (love that lady) and Inkitt. happily, i already have an account there. so I'll be able to read your wonderful stories there.
          	  Good luck to you and please take care of yourself.


@ mossfordgreen  
          	  No probs of course and thank you M for informing me (us) about Inkitt. I don't have an account on there yet, but will look into it soon. 
          	  It is a positive arrangement to your bad WP experience, for us readers to be able to have access to your (new) books again through @Bangoo/Curious Wombat <-- so thank you aswell. 
          	  Wishing you, T and Luke all the best! 
          	  Lots of hugs Renate xx.


Hi Curious Wombat!!!


@Bhangoo ITS OK BHANGOO BESTIEEE just so happy finding u here too hehe❤️❤️❤️


Hi rcpcswrites
            I'm sorry I just noticed this on @mossfordgreens account, sorry I didn't reply sooner.❤️


Please read both messages that I have sent previously this morning as it was too long to be posted in one message.
          Thank you 
          M xx


@enzorence Thank you so much. It has been a torrid time and I know my books are in safe hands with @Bhangoo 
            M xx


@mossfordgreen I so enjoyed all of our interactions here. I am so very sad and angry that things had to come to this on account of the stupidity that has invaded the management of this site.
            at the same time, I am happy that you have found a solution in Bhangoo (love that lady) and Inkitt. happily, i already have an account there. so I'll be able to read your wonderful stories there.
            Good luck to you and please take care of yourself.


@ mossfordgreen  
            No probs of course and thank you M for informing me (us) about Inkitt. I don't have an account on there yet, but will look into it soon. 
            It is a positive arrangement to your bad WP experience, for us readers to be able to have access to your (new) books again through @Bangoo/Curious Wombat <-- so thank you aswell. 
            Wishing you, T and Luke all the best! 
            Lots of hugs Renate xx.


I would like to advise everyone that I have now given ALL my books, and the right to publish them on Inkitt, to Bhangoo. On Inkitt they are known as Curious Wombat and each month they plan to publish one of my books. Hopefully the issues that I had on Inkitt have been fixed and Curious Wombat can continue to publish all my works without any problems.
          T has redone all the covers and provided artwork for all the books and the first book to be published is book 1 of the Question Series called ‘It’s Not A Question Of Choice.’ This book has not been published in this format on Wattpad so for all you followers who would like a new Mossford Green book to read then you can read it on Inkitt. 
          Bhangoo/Curious Wombat will have total control of my current books and any new book, if and when I am in a position to write one.  I truly hope you will continue to enjoy and support my books through Curious Wombat aka Bhangoo.
          Thanks once again for all your support. I am humbled by the kindness of your messages and the love you have given me, Luke, and T..
          M xx 


@tan225 Thank you my fellow musketeer. Virtual hugs being reciprocated with love
            M xx


Thank you 


@mossfordgreen  hi my fellow musketeer I've missed you so so much ,I don't get to fast in everyone business and that's too sad..I know  our friend@Bhangoo will take care of your hard work that you for trusting her with it.please be safe ,take care of yourself,sending virtual hugs to you ,T and Luke .❤️❤️ Until next time walk good .


As you are all probably aware from my recent postings, I had to withdraw most of my books, as they are mainly coming of age stories, due to Wattpad changing the Age of Consent from 16+ to 18+. As you can imagine it shook me to the core. Eight years of work looking like it was being consigned to the scrapheap.
          For personal reasons I have not been able to login recently so I have not yet answered the many messages of support that I now see I have received. Thank you for doing so and please accept my apologies to all of you who sent messages and I will look to rectify that and answer you very soon. 
          My dear friend, Bhangoo, informed me that many writers from Wattpad had moved to Inkitt purely because of this woke and ridiculous ruling. Apparently Inkitt has improved alot since I was last on it and is much easier to navigate.  
          I will not be publishing any more books on Wattpad as I am so disenchanted with them over their attitude towards us writers. They have still not responded to my messages regarding the Age of Consent which is quite unbelievable. Because there are many readers enjoying ‘A Touching Of Lips’ and ‘Just Sex Mates?’ I am leaving those books up for the time being but, regrettably, I will not be engaging with readers as I have always done as I am not intending to log back into Wattpad on a regular basis.
          To be continued…..


I have been an avid silent reader of your books for some time and I was so thrilled when you returned to Wattpad earlier this year. I have enjoyed, and I mean really enjoyed, your books very much indeed. They are inspirational and educational and they moved me to attempt to write myself. 
          I now find myself having to break my silence to come out in support of you in your stand against Wattpad regarding Age of Consent at 18+. I can’t imagine how it must feel to lose 4 books, of such good quality I might add, from this platform and my heart goes out to you as you must be hurting like hell. 
          Wattpad do not deserve to have writers like you and I urge you to look at other platforms as your work is truly beautiful to read. I, myself, will not publish my book on here but will look at Inkitt when I have finished it as I have heard that other writers in your situation have published books on there.
          I can see that you haven’t answered other comments that have recently been posted, which is highly unusual for you as your well known to interact with your readers, so I’m guessing that you're either not logging in or not wishing to answer postings at this time. I do understand that but hopefully when you do login, or feel able to answer, you will take comfort from seeing just how much readers have enjoyed your books and are wishing you all the best.
          You are a gifted young man and deserve the praise you get and I hope you receive many more messages of support.
          Kind regards
          Orinoco ❤


Thank you Orinoco for breaking your silence and posting such a supportive message.  I’m so sorry it’s taken me sometime to reply. As you can see I have taken the sad decision to move my work to Inkitt with Curious Wombat and when I am able to will continue to write more books through them. I have, as you say, taken comfort from the messages people have sent and I sincerely appreciate everyone’s kind words.
            M xx


            @MossfordGreen isn’t logging into Wattpad.❤️


I just  reread the chapters posted by Evan , to be able to enjoy  the new chapter tomorrow, and I didn't see your comments in the last one :( , I just wanted you to know that I miss you @MossfordGreen, especially if you have decided to be a silent reader, because I know that not only I will miss you, while the people who run Wattpad don't care at all :(.
          If, on the other hand, you did not have time, I look forward to seeing you again in the future on there.
          You don't owe me any explanation or reply , I just wanted to tell you that your absence is noticeable and I miss your interactions in the book.
          Have great weekend you all !! 
          Hugging all of you❤️


@DragonstoneWinter Thank you so much for your kind words of support. Wattpad’s poor behaviour has meant that I’ve not been able to continue to read Evan’s book but hopefully in the future I will.
            Thank you
            M xx


I'm still sad and shocked by Wattpad's decision regarding your books. But you are right to refuse to change the age of your characters. That wouldn't make any sense !
          Thanks for your great stories that I will not  forget and which  crymade me laugh .nd cry. Thanks for L and T too for his amazing drawings.
          I'm so sorry for all this mess and I know how frustrated you must be.
          With all my big big hug


            I have read that but on mine it still doesn’t work or show up, eventually it will I hope.❤️


@Bhangoo so good news! Inkitt has just enabled side comments.  Progress is being made. 


Thank you to all of you who have sent messages of support and encouragement regarding the Age of Consent dispute that I am having with Wattpad. 
          Just to let you know that they have ignored my request for clarification ticket I sent on Saturday and closed it without replying. I have now sent them another request for clarification today and I hope this time they will have the courtesy to respond in a reasonable manner. 
          The Age of Consent in Canada is 16+ so there should be no issue. Any talk of being International is an excuse to cover up woke behaviour. The Age of Consent in most of the world is 16+ so why should most of the world be subservient to the minority? 
          My books are mainly coming of age stories , written based on my knowledge and research, and I’m told not only are they educational but inspirational and enlightening too. 
          I am not going to change the ages in any of my books as that would change those books far too much and make the characters ridiculous and no longer authentic.
          Wattpad will not change their guidelines, they are far too arrogant to do that, so I am afraid it’s looking like that their will be no new stories from me. Yes I could write about teenagers 18+ but this has knocked me back once again and I have no creativity left at this moment in time.
          Thank you all for your support, love, and kindness, not just  to me, but to T and Luke also. At least you had the chance to read our stories while others now will not
          Much love and the biggest hugs ever


@Evan_Binley Thank you Evan. I really do appreciate the love in your message
            M xx


@LilShite1971 Thank you for your informative message and I did consider reposting them. However after hearing that other writers had moved to Inkitt I decided it would be better for me to have my books published through Curious Wombat so I could concentrate on writing again. 
            Thanks   M 


@mossfordgreen so I’m actually just a reader and I read a lot on this platform and from what I can see they’re pretty much ignoring the age of consent rule too. all of the books that I’ve read lately have had teenage werewolves having mating. because I’m into werewolf fiction. Hope this works out for you .you are a wonderful writer.


Apparently 4 of my books breach Wattpad guidelines regarding the Canadian Law of Age of Consent of 18. 
          Just so you know…..The age of consent in the UK and Europe is 16. 
          Despite making sure To Dare To Dream was clearly marked MATURE it still breaches the rules because the age of the Twins is 17. Regarding Raspberries & Cream for Three and its sequel Kisses Of Fire the main characters ages are 16 and in the case of Who Cares Who Wins the main characters are 17 which therefore doesn’t meet the age of consent in Canada.
          I have just unpublished all four books and will only possibly republish To Dare To Dream once I have found time to go through and change the ages of the main characters. As for the other three books, which are a coming of age story, because they no longer fit Wattpad’s guidelines it’s pointless me altering them to fit the guidelines as it will completely fcuk up the storylines and ruin the purpose and meaning of the stories.
          Therefore I will not be writing or publishing anymore books at this moment in time.
          I’m sorry for any readers halfway through my books but blame Wattpad and not me. 


@RenateGeen Thank you for your kind message. I do appreciate it very much and would just like to say there will be new books on Inkitt submitted by Curious Wombat 
            M xx


@BLGrace11 Thank you for this explanation but regrettably I will not be writing on Wattpad anymore. Even if my books meet these Wattpad international requirements they will be published on Inkitt instead. I do appreciate your comments and the kind way you messaged me.
            M xx


@tan225 Thank you my dear Musketeer 
            M xx