I like to write, I like to smoke sometimes, I like the taste of vodka because it made me feel alive. I like Indie kid, cottage core, rain core, after hours, 2am, sun rise, lofi music, vintage, retro, outfits inspired from the 1900's. I love men and woman, I love telling my friends I love them even if we don't talk. I love gay people, lesbian people. people who are in the lgbtq+ community I love them. I love fat people, skinny people, medium people. I love mirrors and art, mini art, medium art, large art. I love horror movies, and true crime stories. I like a good mystery book. I LOVE POLAROID CAMERAs and taking pictures and videos of people at their high and low. I like roblox, I love bloxburg. I love tiktok, pinterest is my baby, wattpad is my dangerous lover. I love taking a risk, making scenarios in my head. I like writing smut, I like writing things(even smuta) with friends.I like running away slowed music. I love music slowed at 2 am. I love new york and chicago. I love when people take random pictures and videos of me. I loved to be hugged. I like to be kissed. I like having people who will hurt people who hurt me emotionally, and joke about a lot of random stuff that makes me laugh when I'm upset. I love emos, I love the bus and trains, even when its dark. I like to play fight sometimes. I love consent it's hot to me. I love eyeliner.