
Did I just tag Larry in a Zarry book so it will get more views? Yes, yes I did.


Okay. I know I haven't updated my storys in a while bit the truty is I'm just not interested in the boys anymore. I've been making up excuses, not wanting to let you down. Not wanting to end the story. This started out as a way for me to get my feelings out. I never intended for my stories to get any attention but they did. Now I can't seem to write a sentence without becoming bored so tuis is me telling you that I will no longer be updating my tiktok books... please don't get mad at me or unfollow me I will be keeping some books up and maybe somewhere in the future I will update.
          • Timothée Chalamet content coming soon
          • maybe even Harry Styles
          Agian I'm truly sorry


Okay so I haven't been feeling any of my stories so like what if I made a completely new story. It would be based off of the song complicated. The only story I would be also working on is "the monster in my bed" i know "that love hate relationship" and "tiktok house" are also a favorite but I chose the mafia one. This doesn't mean that I will be giving up the other books, it just means they won't be updated for a while. I'm sorry if you don't like my decision but it's better for me. If you would maybe give this new book a chance I think you might like it. Please respect my decision I'm not in the right mind space to be dealing with all of these books.


@only_here_bc_tiktok I think that you shouldn't start any more stories until you finish all your other books. Like it would be too much to write and update several books at the same time. But you do what you want as it's your decision :)


@only_here_bc_tiktok  also its the best story you have ever made