
*   pspsps ,,  cb


/  here  &&  on ash plsplspls  :')


          	  //; here and clarence !!


*   pspsps ,,  cb


/  here  &&  on ash plsplspls  :')


            //; here and clarence !!


hey…   you   doin’   alrigh’ ?
          /   midnight smoke breaks <333 she wasn’t in bed when he woke up in the middle of the night :’)
          i was inspired by these posts


YOU'RE  NOT  ALONE,   @hippiedilfs  :
            {  the  night  air  is  a  comfort.
            she's  always  found  that  to  be  her  home.   the  autumn  chill  that  wakes  her  up,   the  leaves  dancing  outside  even  in  the  dead  of  night.   in  the  dark,   there  are  no  whispers.    in  the  dark,   it  feels  like  her  anxieties  have  no  face.
            in  the  dark,   she  can  almost  forget.
            the  stars  twinkle  from  above  as  joyce  takes  another  drag  from  her  cigarette,    eyes  closing  as  her  leg  continues  to  bounce.   the  nightmares  have  roller-coastered  in  detail,   in  consistency,   since  1983.    that  makes  them  no  easier,   no  more  bearable.    it  just  makes  them  commonplace.   this  time  of  night  greets  her  with  open  arms,   but  she  can't  deny  the  immediate  comfort  of  the  opening  door.   }      hey,   sweetface.      {  she  hums,    twisting  from  where  she  stands  to  flash  a  soft  smile.   }    ah,   'm  doin'   fine.     had  another  dream,   is  all.     ( .. )    are   / you /   doin'   good ?
            *    pLEASE  forgive  how  late  this  is   </33 


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what …   the   ( fuck )   is ..   ( wrong )   with   her?
          /   karen gave joyce another one of those “books’ 


YOU'RE  NOT  ALONE,   @hippiedilfs  :
            you  don't  wanna  know.    'd  give  anythin'   to  be  clueless  about  their   ' dry  spells '.     ( .. )   five !    five  times,   now !!    she's  really  wantin'   me  to  join  in  on  their  erotica  palooza   :(     


@motherssight-   …   erotic   book   clu …   are   ( that )    many   women   not   gettin’   any??? :/    [ gordie asks. his face scrunches up into a slightly confused expression at the knowledge that there’s such thing as an “ erotic book club " . ]   how   many   times   has   she   invited   you?


YOU'RE  NOT  ALONE,   @hippiedilfs  :
            i  have   ( GOT )    to  burn  it.      {  joyce  groans  once  again,   hands  running  over  her  face.   this  would  be  comedic  in  a  movie,   but  this  is  no  movie.   this  is  her  ( life ) !   this  is  not  funny !   }    that's  not  even ..   not  even  the  worst  part.   she  invited  me  to  her   ( erotic )    book  club !!      with  all  the  other  wacko  pta  moms !!  


no ,   NO!   please   don't   look   at   me.   :(     ( please ) … 
          /   after he gets in a fight with w*ndell in s2 and she has to clean him up. he thinks he looks ugly with all the scars from the lab 


YOU'RE  NOT  ALONE,   @hippiedilfs  :
            {  swiftly  her  hands  raise  away  from  his  body,   held  in  the  air  as  a  small  promise.    she  wouldn't  do  anything  he  was  uncomfortable  with,   but  he  has  to  get  cleaned.    that's  all  that  churns  on  her  mind  before  her  gaze  shifts,   running  over  scars  and  landing  directly  on  his  chest.    specifically,   right  next  to  his  heart.
            something  inside  her  seems  to  melt  at  the  sight  of  the  dahlia  tattoo,   doe  eyes  warming  into  a  tenderness  that  feels  sickly  sweet.  }     honey,   you're  the  farthest  from  ugly.      {  she  means  it.    her  heart  seems  to  rise  and  fall  with  every  breath  baiting,    barely  resisting  the  urge  to  touch  the  intricate  flower.   }      you're  beautiful  inside  and  out ..   just  like  your  dahlia.    {  almost  as  a  testament  to  her  words  joyce  leans  forward,   rag  barely  brushing  exposed  skin.   }     did  you  get  that  for  her ?
            *    what  if  i  said  you're  a  GENIUS.


@motherssight-   …   [ for the first time in … ever, gordie flinches away from her gentle touch. it's not like he means to, it's just the insecurity eating up at him and making him do things he wouldn't normally do.  ]   p-please   don't   look …   ‘m   ugly .  th …   the   scars —   ‘m ..   [ the he sits, shirt off, bleeding and shivering in joyce’s presence. he doesn’t want her to look at him. he doesn’t want her to judge him. so he refuses to look at her . ]   i-i’m   ashamed...    :((
            /   me too :’) what if the first thing she notices is the tattoo of the dahlia ???


YOU'RE  NOT  ALONE,   @hippiedilfs  :
            gordie ...    {   her  voice  is  oh-so-gentle  as  she  lowers  the  bloodied rag,   leaning  forward  to  lay  her  hand  atop  his.   }     honey,   what's  the  matter ?   
            *    got  me  crying  at  midnight ??


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mom— -    ..i   fucking   hate   him.    i   don’t wanna   deal    with   him,    anymore.   
          /    he’s   crying   to   her   ab    l*nnie..    && CAN   I  DM   U   MORE   AB   THIS⁉️⁉️ 


            i  know.    i  know,    honey,   i ..    {  her  throat  chokes  up  with  every  word  she  tries  to  say,    arms  wrapping  securely  around  her  baby  boy  in  the  gentlest  hold  she  can  create.    for  her  sons,   she  never  wanted  this  life.    all  she  had  ever  wanted  was  to  protect  them,   and  now .  .  .  }       i'm  so  sorry,   baby.     i'll  keep  him  away  from  you,   i  promise.    i  promise.
            *   already  crying  over  them ?!    ++    YES   YES  PLEASE  DO❗


can i stay here ? just for tonight , i promise .
          //; he could not be with his auntie karen any longer


* a slight chuckle escapes his lips *   hopefully
            nobody finds the treasure . it should stay
            buried ... forever . but don't worry . no one
            will ever know you said that .    ( ... )    now
            that you mention it , i am a little bit hungry .
            //; the karen of all karens


YOU'RE  NOT  ALONE,   @meanblondes  :
            you  owe  me  nothin',    sweetheart.    she's  a  real  treasure ..   ya  just  wanna  bury  her.    {  the  last  part  is  muttered  beneath  her  breath,   head  shaking  in  disappointment.    karen  wheeler  is  proof  that  not  everyone  wants  to  change,    that's  for  sure.   }     pretend  i  didn't  say  that.    anyway,   you're  just  in  time  for  dinner   —  you  hungry ?
            *    karen  is  THE  Karen™


thanks , mrs . rb , i definitely owe ya . karen
            is just ... ugh .
            //; he doesn't even call her auntie he just calls
            her karen lmao


YOU’VE GOT TO HIDE YOUR LOVE AWAY! — pearl reznik, 1966 
          i   don’t   know   ( what ) the  hell   you   see   in   him .   that   guy   has   an   ego   the   size   of   the   taj   mahal!


YOU'RE  NOT  ALONE,   @fashionaunties  :
            it's  not  an  ego,   it's ..   confidence.   and  confidence  is  attractive,    remember ??      ( .. )     besides,   at  least  he's  not  counting  on  me  for  self-esteem,  right ??   :') 


joyce  -  oh  my  god  you're  back!
          / s4 when everyone came back from california !!


@motherssight-  .ᐟ ⟢  ۫       i suppose so, yeah.    just.. hard to deal with.    [ she smiled a bit as joyce’s arms wrap around her.     she felt at home anytime she was with joyce, no matter if it was for a good or bad reason ]    at least you’re here.. that’s what matters to me.


YOU'RE  NOT  ALONE,   @hwkinsjournals  :
            the  demons  really  make  the  place,   don't  you  think ?   ties  everything  together.    {  with  a  watery  chuckle  joyce  embraces  the  girl,   tucking  her  close  as  though  she  is  her  own.     in  her  eyes,  nancy  may  as  well  be  just  that.   }     we've  missed  you  too,    honey.     i'm  sorry  we  didn't  come  visit  you,  but  at  least  we're  here  now.     regardless  of  circumstance  :')


@motherssight-  .ᐟ ⟢  ۫       (  nancy smiled, her eyes slightly glossing over as she ran into the older womans arms.    it was comforting, honestly.  )    i missed you more.    well, if you don't mind the whole.. demons in hawkins thing, i've been good!    missin' you and everyone else like crazy though.
            / UR SO RIGHT.