
I've decided to try some new things. I'm currently working on a thirty seconds to mars fanfic, and an original story (non fanfic). I'm not leaving By My Side lol I have too many ideas in the works for that one. Anyway I hope you guys like the newer stories☺ and thanks so much for reading my Motley Crue stories


I've decided to try some new things. I'm currently working on a thirty seconds to mars fanfic, and an original story (non fanfic). I'm not leaving By My Side lol I have too many ideas in the works for that one. Anyway I hope you guys like the newer stories☺ and thanks so much for reading my Motley Crue stories


You must be a mind reader.  I literally was just thinking this morning about your story and an update.   Thank you.  How are you? 


@RobinSixxcrue81  I'm fine, how are you? I glad you like it! I was working on this chapter for a month before I finally finished it lol. I know it's short but I wanted the next chapter to stand on its own.


Thank you for the chapter update.  Hope things are well with you.  Please don’t take this as being ungrateful but please don’t leave us hanging for too long before another chapter update.  I wanna know what happened to Nikki’s house.  This is a great story....


Will you update By My Side? Actually I’m sooo into all of your stories that I can’t wait until the update to read what will happen next 


@RobinSixxcrue81 I'm going to try to update that story really soon! I've started on the next chapter, but I still have to work out the details☺


hey! just wanted to thank you for following me! i would love it if you could check out my book, maybe read a couple chapters, and possibly give it constructive criticism if it needs any? you; of course, don't have to do this, its totally optional. if you hate it that's okay! i won't be offended. this is just an idea, but hopefully you check it out! thanks! - dove <3 


i can also do the same for you or for anyone who sees this message!


Ok, so I somehow managed to post my final chapter of glitter in the middle of the story instead of the end, and had to unpublish and republish it. I also did the same thing to another chapter . So if you guys keep getting notified that chapters are being updated I'm sorry! Thank you for reading and voting, it means a lot!!