
I’m moving to AO3 as there are nothing but small children running around and have ruined this app for me and probably others. Plus I’ve outgrown this app anyway as I’m 19 going on 20 and don’t wish to be around children. Cya later and I’m not sorry for leaving


@movedtoao3ig I hope you find success! Have fun writing


I’m moving to AO3 as there are nothing but small children running around and have ruined this app for me and probably others. Plus I’ve outgrown this app anyway as I’m 19 going on 20 and don’t wish to be around children. Cya later and I’m not sorry for leaving


@movedtoao3ig I hope you find success! Have fun writing


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Wattpad has gotten ridiculously full of 13-14 year olds who believe it’s fun to just post about their struggles on the internet for clout. If you’re REALLY struggling with something, SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP!! Don’t stand here and wine about it on the internet as that gets NOTHING done. You’re just rallying a mob to demand attention towards you. It’s not cute, quirky, or funny. It’s genuinely attention seeking and fucking stupid. Nothing but children on this app I swear to god.


So real for that /gen


this message may be offensive
• Song for a hated ex •
          You told me that you loved me,
          But you just don't fuckin' like me at all.
          Way to drop the ball.
          How do you like me now
          That I'm bigger, and stronger,
          And better than you?
          It ain't delusion.
          Maybe it's just the truth.
          Save your words
          For someone who gives a fuckin' shit.
          I ain't listenin' 
          Not even a little,
          I know, you know.
          I know, you know.
          I know, you know.
          I know you know better than THAT!
          You ain't nothin' but a mother fuckin' narcissist.
          Poison everything you touch,
          As if there's nothin' wrong with it.
          You know, I know.
          You know, I know.
          You know, I know.
          You know, I know.
          Know I know you better than THAT!


You know what some hard things about being a system are? Is the fact that I’ll look at myself in the mirror and not even recognize myself, I look at others and not even recognize them, I get constant headaches, sometimes can’t even tell who’s in front, confused during fronts, and the feeling of being out of body really get to me. It’s really difficult and I honestly dislike it but you know… I will have to come to terms with it. That I’ll never be one personality but over 9. I’ll never be one person.


So a kinda a big get exciting announcement! I will be editing, composing, and writing my own songs! I will be doing a genre known as Nightmare Pop. I will write songs about mental health and things that often make people uncomfortable to discuss with others. So I wanted a way for people to connect and relate through songs! Some will be on personal experiences and others will be for the sake of mental illness. I’m looking forward towards writing some songs!


@awriterslegacy I'm glad you're very excited, I can't wait to see some of your new works :D


!!One final important announcement!!
          So this is the story as to why I’m most likely leaving Wattpad. I am leaving treatment in about 3 weeks and will be out on my own for the first time. I’m desperate as I don’t have a job yet nor the cash to supply myself. So I will HOPEFULLY be moving in with a friend or someone else. I don’t have the resources to be on my feet yet and in my parent’s words, this is to “force change.” If I come home, they would treat me like a child. Saying I’d have to brush my teeth in front of them, take ny medication in front of them, put my phone up at 8, etc. I’m a 19 year old ADULT! Not some toddler who needs supervision every second of everyday. They claim it’s just to help me and they made the outside world seem terrible. Even when it was a suggestion they made themselves. This is my last resort to move in with someone that I can help out with. I will be getting a full time job, help pay for things, and take care of around the house. Once I get on my feet, I will move out into a small one bedroom apartment. That’s the plan for now and it’s all I’ve got. Meaning I will have no time to write anymore and even if I did, the updates would be so slow it may not be worth it for readers. Therefore, leaving seems to be the best option. 


@awriterslegacy Good luck on that! It seem quite stressful so I wish you all the best!


!!Important update!!
          So I have decided to most likely quit Wattpad. It has become so utterly toxic and ridiculous rude. I’ve had my fair share of nasty people on here but I’ve also met some wonderful people. Yet with how my life is going, I will have to time to write anymore after next month… I hope all my followers understand. It’s been wonderful to write for you all and to have my work shared. It’s just now time to let that go, as much as I don’t want to. I think it’s for the best. Thank you for understanding and maybe I’ll see you all around sometime. 
          • Socials •
          Discord: pine.blood
          Instagram: bps.adammurray


@awriterslegacy I understand, I'll miss you and I'll always be here if you decide to come back! Stay safe, I hope you have a good time <3


this message may be offensive
Hey guys. Sorry for no updates in the last few days. Had my wisdom teeth removed and ever since then, I’ve been in nothing but extreme pain. I’m actually sitting here now on the verge of tears it hurts so bad again even on painkillers several times a day. It has killed my sleep, my appetite, and my motivation. So no updates will be happening until this fucking thing heals. Thank you for understanding.