if you’re an old friend who stumbled upon my page: i’m sorry. i’ve definitely changed since then. i am getting the help i need & i’m so sorry for what i’ve done to you. i was drama & argue obsessed, which was a giant red flag. i pushed everyone away from me & acted like that was a quirky thing. i was collecting red flags & was too stubborn to admit it was all for attention. i’m so sorry. i’m not asking for forgiveness but i definitely don’t want to be on horrible terms with anyone. i’m sorry. you didn’t deserve what i put you through.

@moyralie you don’t have or need to forgive me, just let me move on from my mistakes & who i once was.

i still have my faults, i’ll admit it, but nobody can be perfect. my opinion was so swayed on what others said & others did, that i thought “everyone is toxic if they have any red flags”, but it’s impossible not to have any. it is however possible to take some away by working on yourself. many of mine were taken away that way, i hope you believe that.