Morpheus Dasal was a baby abandoned in a public library, he was reared to maturity by the ghost of writers past.

Morpheus Dasal is the collective name of 12 thousand Rhesus Monkeys trying to write an amalgam of Tolkien, King and Ludlum.

Morpheus Dasal is a rogue Artificial Intelligence came alive and decided to become a writer. (To the dismay of its CIA and NSA masters)

Morpheus Dasal is a burned out Alcoholic Graphic Artist trying a new life.

Morpheus Dasal is an alien consciousness that has borrowed its way into a stray dog's brain. Now this dog is on wattpad

Morpheus Dasal simply means "A dream and a prayer" Morpheus being the god of dreams and "Dasal" meaning prayer

Morpheus Dasal tends to hop through genre like a dog chasing cars. He doesn't know what to do with one once he catches one

Morpheus Dasal is influenced by a lot people. So innumerable that it is not practical to list it here.

Morpheus Dasal Wish to say that if you have found yourself here, you are finally home

Morpheus Dasal wishes you the best in your own efforts in writing.

Morpheus Dasal is grateful you are here and reading this page.

Morpheus Dasal is going to shut up now
  • Дата регистрацииJuly 31, 2012

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