
Hi Everyone! So I haven't been on in a long time :/ But I'm back! I made a new account, so I'm use that one and start off fresh. I am DEFINATLEY remaking George & Bella into parts and maybe continue it (: When I put it up last time, I didn't realize it was all one big mess. But i'll remake it on my other wattpad ~    THankyouu<3


Just wanna say, I haven't been on here in awhile. I just finished reading all my old stories, and sad to say, I feel like they aren't to good. :( I've been trying to make new stories, but I feel like they aren't good enough. But I think I've gotten a good idea(: !


Thank you for becoming my second Fan! And still is today:) 
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           copy this to everyone who is awesome to you and if you get more then 4 back you're really awesome ♥