
Working on copying and saving the writings I have done for the current chapters so I won't have to redo the progress 


Hey I'm unable to access you're FNIA story. What happened? I wasn't able to see the new chapter update


@SmolKatMitchell ok. Speaking of which I have made a fnia story myself as I am planning to remaster in the future. The original one is already up here on Wattpad.


@SmolKatMitchell like i said we'll see. But for the time being I'm gonna continue investing my time into the project. Cause chapter 4 still isint fully written out. And I haven't even started writing chapter 5. But I'm hoping I can at the very least finish chapter 4 at the end of the month


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Not feeling proud of how badly I'm failing at writing this story cause I'll be Able to get like 10 words written they be like "shit how do I describe this next part" ans be stuck on that for like 7 hours so I just wanna say I'm very sorry for how slow making this is


Despite how much I'm preaching about not rushing or updating my fnia story until the first five chapters of my new story are done I'm worried that any traction I've gained with that story has since faded due to how long this is taking. Writers block is a bitch 


Took a while off to try and get past my writers block and I completely forgot about my story :(
          So imma start working on my story again. And also once I got the first five chapters done I'm gonna proof read all five chapters before I upload them to refine and get some better details. And help add to the immersion of the story...  sorry about that.