@mrchowonwattpad I doubt you'll remeber me, it's been so long, if you ever read this if you ever get back on wattpad, but I was one of your first readers of Inside Your Head. As Proof, I was reading it when it was still called "Inside Your Head: Wow It's Really Dirty in There!!!!" you had posted on my read for read. But I think, and this is just a glimmer of hope you''ll remember me, I was the girl that knew Alex Pettyfer and when you found out I was half English/British or whatevs, you pouted and said "Awe, now I can only Half-stalk you now :( "
If you wanted to know, the lAst time I saw Alex was last Summer over fourth of july when our families met for a get together. He acted happy to see me and we talked ofr a long time, but then he defollowed me on twitter and changed his number, deleted his facebook.
Only threw left between us is our families still talk, and as of now I have no clue where we stand.
Message me please when you get back on wattpad!!