
I'm only taking six more requests for my imagine book (that means I've had twenty requests). If you want one, make sure you request fast! I'll add your name to the list! And to those who have requested, thank you all so much for keeping this book going strong! ❤


I'm only taking six more requests for my imagine book (that means I've had twenty requests). If you want one, make sure you request fast! I'll add your name to the list! And to those who have requested, thank you all so much for keeping this book going strong! ❤


apologies to everyone for being inactive. i decided to take a hiatus from writing to figure out some things and decide if i really want to do this. i've decided to update nfl imagines and supernova once a week for each book on a specific day. i apologize if anyone was getting annoyed that i haven't done a request yet.