For anyone who loves story about food, visit a talented food story teller who inspired me with his stories.
Thank you so much @casuitvlugt for featuring my story in your website, it's a great honor for me.
visit to read my story on his website.
Don't forget to support his creative work.
Dear pembaca setia cerita-cerita @mrs_penny_wayne
Sebelumnya mohon maaf apabila @mrs_penny_wayne lama nggak update karya-karyanya. karena satu dan lain hal, laptop @mrs_penny_wayne rusak dan data yang ada di dalamnya nggak bisa di-recover dan berakibat pada hilangnya data-data dan password yang susah diingat. Akhirnya @mrs_penny_wayne memutuskan untuk membuat akun baru di wattpad. Follow @pennywayne ya!
For anyone who loves story about food, visit a talented food story teller who inspired me with his stories.
Thank you so much @casuitvlugt for featuring my story in your website, it's a great honor for me.
visit to read my story on his website.
Don't forget to support his creative work.
You also watch Shokugeki no Soma? That's a great anime. Feel free to message me if you'd like to chat about it. Todokoro is my favorite character from the show.
Don't mind if I check your reading list, do you?
@NefertitiFenison No, aside from my kid's study books i read One Piece, Dragon Ball, Nanatsu No Taizai, Bakuman, Fairy Tail, Uchuu Kyodai, City Hunter, Glass Heart, Golden Boy, GTO, Shonan Junai Gumi, Samurai X, i forgot what else.