
If anyone wants to follow my new account, it's katnip6. I don't know what I'll be posting or when, but this account is going to be inactive from now on. If you want to contact me, do it there. Thank you!


@Tori_Isnotdead sorry but no, my fanfic is going down as soon as wattpad will let me. I might be putting a new story up but I don't know yet, I've been writing it on paper in science class lol so it's all if's. Besides, my life is way more hectic than it ever has been and I don't have a lot of s


I haven't updated in forever oh my god. I'm working on the last little bit of it right now and I feel horrible. I've been so busy you have absolutely no idea like I grew a social life and it's been hectic. I'm hoping to get this up in about an hour if I work hard. I love you guys, thanks for sticking with me.


Hey guys! I really wish I could update sooner but this chapter just has so much info in it about some new characters and I haven't even got there yet D: I would love to write, trust me, but I have so much stuff going on with high school that once I get home I'm always tired so you have to remember stuff is gonna be even more delayed now which is shocking because everything is already super delayed as it is. But I promise I work on it when I can and that I can't wait for you guys to read it! Bye, love you all!


I just got done with my first day of big scary high school! It was actually pretty awesome :D but I'm gonna try to maybe get the third chapter up tonight. Maaaaaayyyyyyybbbbbbbeeee. As in probably not. But I'm gonna work on it! Ok? Ok. Love you all, bye!


Hey guys! Don't shoot me, I have an excuse! I've been working on the third chapter because trust me, I'm really excited about it. But this week I have band camp D: ugh. I wish I could go back to fifth grade me and tell her to not play saxophone. Anyway, I'll still be working on it but it's gonna get up slowly. Sorry guys. Stuff is gonna be delayed from now on that school is starting soon. Well, love you guys! Bye <3


I'm gonna admit it. I've gone back into my old habits of not updating. I don't even have an excuse this time. Well, I kinda do. My cousin through marriage just died...but that's not an excuse for me to not have been writing earlier. I got a boyfriend holy shit :D um but yeah. I'm gonna work on WAFBNC right meow because I love you all and I need to get my act together! If you guys could give me some encouragement like "oh hey it's really good can't wait for the next chapter" and stuff like that. Well I love you guys! Bye(: