
I'm so grateful that Blaze is being featured by Wattpad this month, and I'm grateful for and excited to interact with new readers! I am also very excited to be back in the Adair University universe. For those who have finished Blaze and can't get enough of our favorite, toxic, best friend Charlie, I have just started publishing his love story, Old Flames. Hope you enjoy!


@mrsmommyesq i thought your story was free and now I am crying..really hope that i get those freaing coins...


I'm so grateful that Blaze is being featured by Wattpad this month, and I'm grateful for and excited to interact with new readers! I am also very excited to be back in the Adair University universe. For those who have finished Blaze and can't get enough of our favorite, toxic, best friend Charlie, I have just started publishing his love story, Old Flames. Hope you enjoy!


@mrsmommyesq i thought your story was free and now I am crying..really hope that i get those freaing coins...


Blaze is back! I started posting this story in 2018, but never quite finished it. I pulled it in 2019 for what was supposed to be a few months of edits. Then the pandemic happened. Three insane years later and I have FINALLY finished rewrites. And it felt really nice to be able to mark it complete.
          For those of you who read the first draft, THANK YOU for all your comments, support and patience. Your feedback really helped me with rewrites, and I hope you'll give this new version a go. The storyline is very similar, but really starts to diverge in the second half. The first chapter is new. The ending is new. Some character names have changed (Karen took on a whole meaning in 2020 - yikes.)
          For those of you who are new, welcome! I hope you love James and Blaise as much as I've loved writing them. Please feel free to leave a comment in the book or a message here to say hello. My favorite part about Wattpad is interacting with this community. I'm so happy to be back.
          ❤ Meagan


Oh my goodness yay!!! 


You’re updating Blaze! I squealed when I saw the notification. I’ve missed your writing so, so much. 


@MeganRBooks Thanks! I finally finished rewrites (and in record time - it only took me three years!). I really miss the Wattpad community and am so happy to be back. I'm looking forward to checking out your profile and seeing what you've been up to.


The unintended benefit of three weeks of social distancing and nationwide court and college closures (meaning very little day job work)? I FINALLY have time to finish edits on Blaze and write again! I can't be the only one with an enemies-to-lovers coronovirus quarantine story bouncing around my brain, right?
          Stay healthy. Stay safe. Stay home and read books. Love to you all.


Oh Lordy, everything turned to chaos approximately 27 minutes after posting this. I'll get back to those edits eventually. 


@mrsmommyesq gratz good luck on the edits woman!


Hi,i can't find Blaze on watt pad. 
          Where are u posting it? 


OK, thank you


@oimekor It's not posted at all right now. I took it down (temporarily) to do some significant rewrites and restructuring. I'll post it again (in its entirety, I don't plan to serialize) as soon as I'm done. Thanks for reading and asking about it!


Happy St. Patrick's Day!  This will always be one of my favorite holidays of the year, and no, I'm not Irish. But this day thirteen years ago real life James and Blaise decided to stop fighting their feelings and just go for it. It's not the way things go down in the book (that little story is just for me), BUT I am appropriately spending the day working on some final re-writes on Blaze. It's taking much longer than I expected (turns out editing is hard), but I appreciate your patience, I miss you all, and I hope to have Blaze up again soon.


@mrsmommyesq I keep checking to see if I missed the re-post. But you're right, editing is the devil. All the best and maybe this will encourage you since James and Blaise fans are still waiting.


Yay!! ❤️❤️


Aww. Sounds like a great story! :)


Happy 2019! Hope everyone's year is starting off right. 
          Just a couple of updates: 
          1. I've been working on edits to Blaze and am close to posting the revised version. I hope to have it back up by the end of January. I do not plan on serializing. I intend to just post the entire completed novel at once when it's ready.
          2. I've also been working on Old Flames, a stand-alone novel in the Adair University universe. I hope you love Charlie's story as much as I do. I plan to publish this one chapter by chapter on a schedule. However, I've learned from writing Blaze that I need to have at least a first draft complete before I start posting. I hope to have the first chapter up by March. 
          3. Because I'm insane, I'm also considering entering the Dangerous Love open novella contest. I always planned on writing a short novella about Jana or Miranda. For those who have read Blaze, would you rather read about Miranda escaping the Adair University drama for a much needed solo (and steamy) winter vacation, or a story about the poor schmuck who has the terrible misfortune of falling for Jana?


@mrsmommyesq UPDATE: I am going to write the Jana novella, but I'm not entering it in the open novella contest. It is a stand-alone, but the timeline overlaps with Blaze, and there are some spoilers. I want to focus on Blaze first and get that done and posted before I post any new stories.
            Also, I want time to read again. I miss you guys and your wonderful characters. 


@mrsmommyesq hehehe me too. I love to see more of her story! :D


@RElizabethM She has a stronger personality and a bigger role in Blaze, so makes sense. I love writing her. She's so  blunt.