Also...not to get too deep for you, hopefully you don't mind, but your comments are helping me think through things. Jamie always has had Noah as his touchstone. It's actually kind of hard for his boyfriend to be his best friend. So when Noah stopped talking to him freshman year Jamie kind of glommed onto Dane, if you remember, which is just the same time Dane stopped talking to Jeff. Jamie always needs someone at any given moment. Not necessarily because he has low self esteem, although I think he does, he's just always used to being part of a dyad. So his normal go to when Noah was anywhere doing other things was Dane. Who secretly loves being touched and Jamie is the king of physical affection, platonic or otherwise. But now Dane is with Jeff. And Jude is "with" Taylor. Jamie can't sit in his own skin very well. He gets depressed. Thus he accepts Luke's attentions rather than feeling alone. I need to give this boy a better hobby than oragami