So sorry hearing that Lisa is positive for C19 and pray for her to recover soon. What making it worse is how the toxic fandoms and toxic solo stans attack the girls, especially Lisa for being positive. Hell, like she wants to be sick?!?
And those people wished something worse for Lisa, saying that is her karma for partying in LA. The same goes to other Pinks... The toxic fans blamed each other.
I'm a Lilies, but I respect other girls. I wish Lisa to get well soon and JenChuChaeng are tested negative.
And for other toxic solo stans and toxic fandoms, just keep your mouth shut. If you can't wish the girls well, just keep all the bad wishes to yourself.
It's the C19 virus that weaken the immunity, but being stressful will make you sick even more.
And I hope the Pinks will stay away from the social media. It's really scary how haters throw hates on SNS.