
10k views??! *gasp*
          	Let me start by saying THANK YOU to all the amazing readers of *Timeless*. You are PRECIOUS, like a RELIC (sorry, I had to) ♥️
          	I know this is a small accomplishment, but still—4 months ago, when I was in the customs line at the airport and the idea popped into my head, I never thought that the random yapping in my phone notes about a video game would turn into this BEAUTIFUL story that I love so much. And I certainly never imagined people would actually enjoy reading the wild stuff the voices in my head came up with. :)
          	Thank you for sticking with me this far—we’re actually halfway through the story!!! The worst has passed, I promise! We’re entering the BEST part now—the fluffy & spicy part… Can’t wait for you to read the upcoming chapters ♥️


we love you ms costa!


Congratulations . So well deserved 


congrats!!! ❤️❤️


HI!!!! OMG, thank you for reading Like Moths to a Flame. <3 I hope you enjoy it!


@mscostac Ahhh! I'm so excited you're reading it :)


@the-lady-of-shalott oh hiii! Omg I had the story on my radar for a while and I’m so excited to be finally on it ♥️


10k views??! *gasp*
          Let me start by saying THANK YOU to all the amazing readers of *Timeless*. You are PRECIOUS, like a RELIC (sorry, I had to) ♥️
          I know this is a small accomplishment, but still—4 months ago, when I was in the customs line at the airport and the idea popped into my head, I never thought that the random yapping in my phone notes about a video game would turn into this BEAUTIFUL story that I love so much. And I certainly never imagined people would actually enjoy reading the wild stuff the voices in my head came up with. :)
          Thank you for sticking with me this far—we’re actually halfway through the story!!! The worst has passed, I promise! We’re entering the BEST part now—the fluffy & spicy part… Can’t wait for you to read the upcoming chapters ♥️


we love you ms costa!


Congratulations . So well deserved 


congrats!!! ❤️❤️


          It took some courage but I finally took part in a Discord event and wrote a short story with the "Birthday" prompt!
          To celebrate "Timeless" reaching almost 10k views and over 600 likes, I decided to write it about Ominis and Phineas - an innocent childhood memory from before they started Hogwarts, way before they could understand feelings and stuff ;)
          It is a sweet, adorable one-shot, and I really hope you like it! ♥


@mscostac OMG I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS!! Thank youuu


          “Timeless” just reached 8k views and I can’t thank you all enough for the amazing support and engagement!! ♥ It is also August, the 8th month, and I LOVE this coincidence… Folkore is my favourite album ;)
          To celebrate the coincidences AND finally reaching a major point in the story, I’ve just launched a new cover!! ♥ I’ve always wanted to have an art that had the characters real faces and some elements that capture the story! They look so beautiful now, thanks to the talented Vienguinn on Tumblr :)
          The double chapter will be published tomorrow at 12pm EST! It will be a MAJOR point of the story, so if you have it in your TBR, this is the perfect moment to catch up ;)


@cherryblossom1891 thank youuuu! You are the best!! <3


Absolutely loooove the new cover !  Thank you for your amazing work, love your story ! 


hiiii i just wanted to say i’m so obsessed with Timeless <3 & i saw you commission art every now and again. i work in digital design & work with photoshop, AI, and procreate a lot of the time to create scenes. if you ever wanted some art (for free of course) i’d love to help. it would be an honor to participate in bringing this story to life 


@hufflevangeline Girlie you are such an amazing reader to have!! Every comment and vote means a lot, thank you so so soooo much <3 
            and YESSS let’s talk about those arts!! this is amazing!! Feel free to reach out on Tiktok or Discord! I have the same user on both (mscostac)


Ominis did something bad... ;)
          The new chapter "Holy Fool" was published today!
          I also had a stunning commissioned art made for this pivotal point of the story! Just because our dear Ominis is irresistible <3333
          A big shout out to the amazing and talented artist SallowsKeeper <3


“Sebastian’s Exile” chapters posted! Parts 1 & 2 <3
          Our favourite Slytherin is heartbroken… Is he going to have a happy ending??
          Silent readers, let me hear your thoughts!! :)
          Also, thank youuuuuuu for the 3.6K reads! The first chapter came out only a month and a half ago, this is MENTAL! <3