Writers block, writers block, writers block… It is the worst thing that could happen to a writer. I can’t believe that I’m gonna say this but I haven’t updated in 6 months (I deeply apologise for that), throughout this time, I’ve been grabbing my laptop placing it on my lap, opening the new chapter tab, typing, deleting, rereading the story, typing, deleting, pausing, thinking, typing, deleting. Every single time, I end up with no progress. Nothing. I hate that the story has dragged for this long but unfortunately it isn’t my choice, I’ve been trying my best to just get a good enough chapter written but no, I’m not even reaching the good enough level. I’m so sorry for making you guys wait for an update. Please leave some ideas or something that will help me get back on track in the comments. I appreciate your patience. I’m happy for any feedback as well, this will also help me out a lot. Thank you, Msfictionlover

@msfictionlover , I get it. And sorry you are having this problem. I started a book myself, then and friend kept bugging me about it and saying I should straight publish the book. So I lost interest for a while. Should be picking it back up soon though.