
Alright everyone! I’m back and ready to write! I’m super excited, I’ve got some cool chapters planned!


Hey, I have been looking though all you book titles, and am amazed that there are so many people that like multiple fandoms that are all the same, like Percy Jackson, Harry Potter and Merlin. I just want to say thanks for writing fanfics that I love.


Hello my little birdies! So... I'm gonna be gone for a month. No updates, no responses, nada. I'm going silent. It's for some personal reasons I'm not ready to share yet. When I come back, I'll have a whole bunch of content though!


Hi my little birdies! Sorry for not updating yesterday, but I had a huge babysitting job that lasted four hours. I came home and fell asleep pretty fast. I promise I'll put up two chapters today. Thank you guys!


Hello my little birdies! I just wanted to thank you guys for all the support you've been giving me throughout this entire process. I don't think I've ever felt this loved on an online community, which speaks volumes to me. I didn't expect anyone to read my mediocre stories, but you do. So thank you guys for being totally epic!


Hey guys! So I just wanted to inform you that I've updated my story "These Scars". The first chapter mysteriously disappeared, so I rewrote it. Don't read if you can't stand blood, depression, or self harm. Thank you my little birdies!


I want to thank you guys so much for reading my stories! I didn't expect many people to read them, yet you have. Thank you all so much for being there and supporting me. Tomorrow I will update some of my other stories, so not to fear! More chapters coming out soon.