
So for those of you wondering, I am actually writing chapter 21.  I am about halfway done with it and hope to have it posted today or tomorrow


@msnikkistar betrayal with me is really a good story. I wish you finished this but you are gone away for a Long time. Now I don’t think you are coming back anyway nice story


Like many others, I'm hoping you can finish Betrayal with Me. I saw your message that you were having some health issues last year. I hope that your health has gotten better!
          Please let us know if you have completed "Betrayal" but posted it on another app/forum somewhere. Hugs


Just wanted to let you know that an app called Liby is using your book Never With Me it’s showing LiB001 on a Facebook sponsored feed. If you didn’t post or share it there I hope you can get them to take it down and not profit from your hard work.


Just finished binge reading Lei & Damien’s stories. So good, love the plot twist. Ignore all the negative feedback. If they don’t like it they can just go write their own books. Keep doing you. Never change your writing to please anyone.