
Hi, guys. Sorry for being inactive 'coz school and tardiness. Anyway, I'll try to update sooner or later, sorry for the long wait.


Ayooooo! I'm back! Heh. Lol. I'm sorry for not updating for a month or more than a month now. :( It's been hell last week. And yeah, there's an extension, like ;A;. Anyways, maybe this summer I can update once or twice a week, or maybe once every two weeks. Send me prayers guys, it will be a really good help! Thank you! ^_________^


Okay, I already set my updating after thinking of it over and over again.  I sure will be updating every Wednesday or Friday or Saturday. Since, summer vacation is getting near, I might update quite fast. Well, after another month of stress, requirements, home works, requirements and requirements again. Hope you guys understand. (As if anyone is, Lin. Hahaha. Feeling famous. XD) THANK YOU!


Eyo! I can't keep my promise updating Snowfall. I'm sorry for that. I'm updating it this coming Wednesday though, watch out, ehez. The draft is on my phone, I do hope it would stay there or everything will be deleted, and I would seriously hate that. Ugh. Anyways the one shot I also promised to update last last Friday will also be posted on Wednesday, heh. Thank youuuu~


Oh! Annyeong! I might update Snowfall on Saturday or Friday. But I'm still not sure though, hahaha. But yeah, aside from that, I will be updating a new one shot on Friday. Since no one requested yet, I decided to make my own! ^u^ Kindly request if you want to, highly appreciated chingus. ^u^ Anyways, more news is that I'm kind of thinking if I should bring Only Reason and The Proclaimed back, plus another story, to be revealed sooner or later. So you guys must watch out! Thank you! ^u^ - lin :>


Snowfall's Chapter I, is updated! ^u^ I know it's short, but please understand that I'm using my phone to update, because of some reasons. Anyways, I'll try to update longer for the next chapters. THANK YOU! PS: I'm also planning to make another story and another one, either of the two will e published as soon as Snowfall reached half of its Chapters, wiiiieh! ^u^


Uhm. I think I should be updating Chapter I of Snowfall today. But yeah, I just want to throw my phone away 'cause it didn't saved my draft's screenshots. It just ruined my mood. Anyways, maybe I'll update it on Friday or on Sunday. Ugh. I'm so sorry. :( Thank you! ^u^ I love you guys so much!