
In honor of my Wattpad anniversary, and also because @AllikatTheNinja is a genius, tonight I will be writing a Circles/Talented crossover. Look for it within the next two hours (hopefully)!


Can't believe it's been almost a month since I've posted There used to be a time where I would literally write everyday. I've been feeling very uninspired lately, and I like writing to be an escape, not a homework assignment. Forcing myself to write wouldn't do either of us any favors, because the writing wouldn't be good. I'll get back into it soon. But for the time being, writing is giving me no pleasure whatsoever. 
          Thanks for the continued support. :)


Sorry for all the inactivity. I've gotten a lot of criticism lately, and that really throws me off my game, especially when people are criticizing something that I thought was really good. I have been writing, but nothing I'm ready to post right now. I also feel like no one is really reading my stuff right now, which also throws me off. Low writer self esteem.
          Hope to be back at it soon.


Just to aid the confusion- Talented is not finished. It is just half over. That's all "End of Part One" means at the end of chapter 15. The second half will be right there in the same book, starting with chapter 16. The book will probably end up being somewhere around 30 chapters when it's finished (or at least that's what I'm shooting for). Part two will be a little ways into the future from where part one left off. Thanks for reading :)


I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T POSTED. Friday I had to work, Saturday I had to work, Saturday night I went to fireworks, Sunday I had to go out to dinner for my mom's birthday, then I spent the night at a friend's, Monday I went to the beach, and today I had to go to the dentist and I had to work. SOOOOO yeah, I'm about to start writing now. I just have to decide between Tangents and Talented....


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"'Life is a giant pile of suck. But you know what? If you dig through that giant pile of suck, you can find these, like, these caves, where the suck isn’t all over you, and things don’t suck for a while. And it’s great. But sometimes the cave is just like, I don’t know, an air bubble or something, and it collapses, and you’re back in the suck. But if you’re lucky, you find yourself a nice, sturdy cave, and you get to live there happily for the rest of your life.' He shrugs. 'Your air bubble collapsed. Now you just have to get back up and keep digging.'"         ---Quite possibly my most favorite thing I have ever written.