Once you get the award, you should post it on the walls of a minimum of 8 people who you think deserve it. Don't break the chain, it's nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside out.
how are you lmaooo it’s been awhile
@_Ioraine thank you so much for your support!! TT and thank you for your well wishes! I hope i'll feel inspired again~ hehe thank you for ur kind words, they mean so much to me ♡♡
@_Ioraine i'm glad you're still alive!! goodluck w/ school and all~ hope you get your inspiration back to writing! i promise to read it when you're gonna make another story!❤
@_Ioraine I rmber you! you have been avidly supporting me, ofc I wont forget you hehe and yes, im still alive and well, just busy with school work and struggling with writer's block thank you so much for rmbering me and asking ❤ i hope youre doing fine :)