
I'm loving your story, hope it's updated again soon as it's amazing 


@Chuck1005 yh so 100% peter and wanda (spiderwitch). as well as Pietro and clint (hawksilver) because I think they are cute. then bucky and nat (winterwidow) are together and brand new parents of the twins then let me know what other ships you want me to add because I will be adding many. I'm thinking I will do shurichelle (shuri x mj) and I don't know whether to make tony with steve, pepper (if pepper I might bring in morgan or because I love morgan she might come into no matter who tony is with) or to be single and flirts with everyone. maybe thor and bruce? sam and bucky? maybe bring in Yelena and do Yelena and steve or bucky? i have no idea so let me know what you would like to see, please.


@Marvel_AvengersLover forgot there was already a ship blooming, ignore that last part 


@Marvel_AvengersLover it's fine, I just wanted to let you know, as I think creators should be supported or at least told how good their stories are like yours, quick question, will there be a ship? Or will there not be one and if there is will it be boyxboy or boyxgirl, doesn't matter either way just curious 