
HI EVERYONE! Yes I know it has been 8 months. I have lost motivation to be productive but that is not what I am posting about. 
          	I know I am nowhere near as popular as her and I'm pretty sure all of my followers come from her, but my friend @Cateye992 is calling all artists for a school project. If you like drawing (or, if you are like me and absolutely cannot draw but you drew a pizza in sunglasses for her anyway), please check out her announcement on her page!!! It would really help her out even if you just did a little doodle. Thanks, and hopefully I'll see everyone on the holidays :)


@muffinpuff323 Thanks so much, dude :'> 
          	  btw your pizza is clearly the star of the show


HI EVERYONE! Yes I know it has been 8 months. I have lost motivation to be productive but that is not what I am posting about. 
          I know I am nowhere near as popular as her and I'm pretty sure all of my followers come from her, but my friend @Cateye992 is calling all artists for a school project. If you like drawing (or, if you are like me and absolutely cannot draw but you drew a pizza in sunglasses for her anyway), please check out her announcement on her page!!! It would really help her out even if you just did a little doodle. Thanks, and hopefully I'll see everyone on the holidays :)


@muffinpuff323 Thanks so much, dude :'> 
            btw your pizza is clearly the star of the show


Hi uh
          Firstly I got 7 followers within 2 hours a couple days ago (i don't check my notifications often) but whoever those people are thanks :D
          Anyways everyone please check out @QuinnHorse16 . She's writing an original story and it's really engaging and it would mean a lot to her if you checked it out. Also, if you're a Mandalorian fan, she's currently working on a fanfic too! I hope you enjoy her stories :D


Hallo kids, long time no see, ey? 
          So I wasn't planning on starting writing again until school ended (in about 5 weeks), right? And right now is kiiind of the worst time to start writing again, cause assessments are getting h e c t i c.
          Buuuuut I was bribed ;-;
          Well I'm overjoyed about the small fries I got on the way home from school, but I was basically forced to start writing again by @OohAzula 's mum (I mean, I couldn't really turn fries down).  Soooo here I am!
          **(Also @OohAzula was also bribed with fries to upload her new song today, so please check it out when she does, and check out her channel too c:**
          I have no clue what to write, and I have to come up with a whole storyline and prologue in a week, so if you have any suggestions or things you would like to see me write then pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase tell me!
          please help a desperate chicken in need
          Anything for chips.


@muffinpuff323 So. Have you finished that sentence


@muffinpuff323 :) YOU ARE SO WELCOME


@muffinpuff323 anything for chips, my lad


yes I'm back
          It's my birthday today uwu 
          I pretty much spent it at school (during the breaks I was attacked by streamers and balloons) and I played video games which was nice cause I don't usually get to do that on school nights :))))
          Unfortunately we have to have cake, birthday dinner (our mum always makes us a nice dinner) and presents on Saturday because most of my family had a concert all afternoon ): but it's ok
          Anyways yeah I just popped in to update my profile description thingo
          Goodbye kiddos


@muffinpuff323  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!


@muffinpuff323 Thanks! You too!!!


I've decided to discontinue Plunge in Deep, sorry kids ;-;
          These very few chapters that I have written were written within like an hour or two, and barely any effort was put into them; I didn't edit at all, and I just went with the chapter because I simply wanted to get it done. 
          I also have extreme lack of motivation, so even though I love writing, I am never motivated.
          I have concluded that gradually overtime, I MIGHT write chapters and put a lot of effort into them, and if that ever happens, I will only start publishing again once I have completed a lot of chapters. If this does happen it will be in a long time.
          Sorry about this, but I feel like giving out content that barely any effort was put into is not genuine and there's not much point to it. Hopefully I somehow gain motivation back one day ):
          I will be occasionally posting on my Muffins book (just random blabber) so if you'd like to see that then feel free. Also if you want to unfollow me because I'm no longer updating, I genuinely will not be offended at all.
          Anyways, see ya later folks, and see you in the Muffins book, random announcements on here, and maybe some day another failed book...




@OohAzula Bruh you don't even like fb that much???


@muffinpuff323 YOU HORRIBLE BEING


No chapter this weekend cause I have a clarinet exam and three assessments all due on Monday... bleh let's hope I come out on the other side of this relatively unharmed
          Let's also hope I don't fail.
          Thank you for still enjoying my book even though I never publish regularly, every comment and vote is appreciated :)


Chapter 3 is out!!! Sorry it has taken so long, but I guess it's kind of expected now. And in the coming weeks, I have a truckload of assessment, so you probably won't see me very much ): Well,  I hope you enjoy the chapter, even though it's trash and cringy and yuck but oh well


I just realised that every chapter i've written is really basic and there's no actual storyline, and it's pretty much just newt and tina-- I'll try and include theo and jacob in the next chapter.
            Also, whenever I publish it, just ignore the last chapter happened - it didn't go how I wanted it to go and it doesn't really make sense or add anything so yeah
            Anyways have a great day


Ok ok i'm really really sorry I've just been procrastinating super bad
          We have had a maths test but in between now and my last publishing day I've had plenty of time to write. I have a maths test tomorrow but I really hope I can convince myself to finish it on Saturday ): I would really appreciate it if people spam me to write so that I remember and am motivated, so if you like spamming, please spam. Thank you, have a wonderful day, and thank you for sticking with me even though I never publish.


Hey guys, sorry for the wait, but by now it's kinda expected... ehehehe sorry. 
          No, my chapter isn't published yet, but it will be this weekend. It's almost done; it's just getting into busy assessment period right now, but I should be able to finish it on Friday or Saturday.
          I'm probably going to aim to publish every 2 weeks, and I'll attempt every 1 week after assessments are over. But, we'll see. 
          Well... see you on friday/saturday I guess