Hi! Thanks for following me back , please you check out my new fanfic called 'broken' it's a Ashton Irwin fanfic and it would really mean a lot to me. I hope you have a lovely and positive day today ! ♡
heey! I just posted my new Calum fanfic called Never Let You Go. It'd mean a lot if you checked it out and left some feedback. It's a different story from a lot others and it's a different kind of writing. I really hope you like it and stick with it.♥ I have a lot planned for that book. Thank you so much in advance!
PS: I hope you like it and if you wanna pm me your feedback it'll be appreciated as well
God, i love you girl, but i had to use a translator to write this xD, mexican obvious 7o7 only come to say "let's married baby, your teaching me english and failing ❤️
Hello love! I just wanted to drop by a little message for you saying that your muke fluff and smut book is absolutely incredible. It's really well written and I absolutely love it :--)
And and and, you're cute as heck xx
love you little one xx