
Woah, hey everyone! So good to have you here! For those of you here for the HP stuff, stay updated! And in the meantime, maybe give some of my other stuff a chance! I have LGBTQ+, POC, disabled, neurodivergent, and much more rep in my books, especially Magic Madness featuring Jewish, Hispanic, Black, and Asian main characters, all of which are neurodiverse and some LGBTQ+


Woah, hey everyone! So good to have you here! For those of you here for the HP stuff, stay updated! And in the meantime, maybe give some of my other stuff a chance! I have LGBTQ+, POC, disabled, neurodivergent, and much more rep in my books, especially Magic Madness featuring Jewish, Hispanic, Black, and Asian main characters, all of which are neurodiverse and some LGBTQ+