
Okay guys! Next chapter of Wouldn’t it Be Nice will be up by tomorrow afternoon!!


Hey-loooo! Yeah it’s me again! Ik I’m being a stupid beggar, butttttt lol I need an update on wouldn’t it be nice. Ahhhh I feel so rude I’m sorry!


Omg you’re not being rude at all!! The next chapter needs to be edited and I’ve been putting it off and I’m glad you’re keeping me accountable haha! Thank you! I’m glad you’re enjoying the story!! ❤️


Hey my lovely reader! I just wanted to let you know that I have not given up on Taken or Wouldn’t It Be Nice... the holidays have been full of busy schedules so I haven’t had time to really write anything but I will definitely try to update before the new year! Until then, I hope everyone has a wonderful week! <3


Hey guys! I don't know if you guys noticed but, I have a new story! Yay! I am going to try to update Habits ASAP and Amnesia is going to be in the same boat as Habits but both of those updates are coming up in the near future. I'm mostly just really stumped on what direction I should take Habits in so if you guys have any ideas, what are some elements you want to see in the story or in their characters? Which one of my stories are you guys really hoping I update? Let me know and I'll try to get it up as soon as possible! Have a great day/night! <3


Hey guys! Wow, it has been a full year... I am thinking of coming back and writing again! I just don’t know which story to update first. Which one would you guys like to see updated in the near future? I hope you’re all having a lovely day! :)


Hello, Everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated any of my stories in a long time but the thing is that I just have SO MANY ideas so I'm trying to process and filter them all. I have two new stories that have been published, as you all know, and I have another story that I came up with yesterday and I've been writing like crazy on that one. I regret to say that 'Amnesia' will be put on hold until further notice. So, once again, I'm sorry for the slow updates but I will be back shortly. There's just so many things I want to write and I don't have enough space or time for it so I'm trying my hardest. Here's a status update, though: 'Habits' should be updated by this weekend, capTEAvation should probably be up like beginning of next week and my new story should probably be up sometime either this week or next. Thank you guys for being so patient! I love you all! :) <3