Hey, I know it’s been a while since I’ve updated but university started and my exams are here. But it’s a very bad period right now, I had to get my dog killed today, and it’s hard. I feel like a hole inside me, I feel so empty and heartbreaking. Also, I’m afraid to lose a friend of mine very special to me. So I think that anyway I will be back. Perhaps writing will help me. I could even start a new story, a tenet fanfiction, that I had in mind for a while just always so scared to write about it. Anyways, I wanted to thank you for 3k on Rob’s imagines book!! I appreciate you a lot. Thank you so much, and sorry for the absence! <3

@nightvisionsevolve thank you. It’s nice to see someone willing to listen when you’ve nobody to talk to. When you feel lost. I’m grateful. Thanks again.

@pattinsonsheart you as well. It's tough but if you need to talk, send me a message. I understand 100% what you're going through. Take it one step at a time...you'll get there.

@nightvisionsevolve yeah.. the feelings are like your company and you sometimes feel overwhelmed. It’s hard. A lot. I really hope for you to find your peace, seriously.