
Just published my first story, it's a Newtmas fanfic!! I will have the next two chapters up in the next few days. I will begin to be more active now, I'm always adding to my reading lists and will be working on a few stories during my holidays off school. I hope everyone had a great Christmas if you celebrate it, lots of love<3


Hiya hru?


@multimia That's good! Mhm it is difficult to get to terms with things, but I'm proud that you are looking out for yourself! No need to thank me <3 I'm doing alright, aside from the fact that wattpad is glitching and not sending me all notifications, I'm good! Awwwh that means a lot thank you <3!


I’m actually doing okay, surprisingly! There’s been a few things that I’ve been in denial about but I’m slowly coming to terms with them, and I’m forcing myself to relax more often so I find I’ve been happier and more social, which I’m proud of:) thank you for asking btw, it’s really sweet of you! How are you going? And also this is random but I really love your bio and think you’re a pretty awesome person from what I can see<3


Just published my first story, it's a Newtmas fanfic!! I will have the next two chapters up in the next few days. I will begin to be more active now, I'm always adding to my reading lists and will be working on a few stories during my holidays off school. I hope everyone had a great Christmas if you celebrate it, lots of love<3


thank you for adding flatsound to your reading lists <3


Hey, sorry I didn’t reply to this before, I’m kinda reintroducing myself to Wattpad after a few years and wasn’t sure whether I should or not. Anyways, the point of this was to say that your are a really great writer! I loved flatsound and can’t wait for your next update of starlight:) you actually prompted me to start listening to flatsound as well so thank you!!! Hope you’re having a great day