In January, I thought about revamping "My Brother's Best Friend" and I did a few chapters, but never finished. Funny enough, I told my roommates about my crazy 2019 story and, after some cringing and laughing from all of us, they agreed I should do the revamp. Instead of revamping the story and adding the story I already have posted/deleting the old chapters, I am going to rewrite it on a separate story with the same plot, but less cringy. It will be titled "My Brother's Best Friend (Revamped)" and it will basically be the same, but a little more thought out, less cringe, not an X Reader, none of those crazy nicknames, and not written all in one paragraph. I will also be updating everything with the other characters like Sam's relationship status, the fact that the TrapHouse no longer exists (), the type of videos they post, etc. Anyway, hopefully I don't forget about deciding to do this again and thanks for almost 100k reads :)