
Day 2 of writing here
          	I’m doing better just sometimes I’m oversleeping or become sleep deprived. I’m trying to sleep better. Maybe I’ll get some improvement.


Day 1
          Unknown dizziness filled my head. I drank water and ate some eggs. It stopped but moving became difficult to do. I relaxed for a hour and I’m still chewing gum. It’s a stress reliever to me. Drawing and listening to music is also a stress reliever. I’m doing better now and I may go shopping with my mom soon. I’ll update some more before I sleep. Hope I don’t getting a headache. I know I said it would be tomorrow but I needed to get i5 out of my system. Sorry for making you read it.
          Sun,Aug 9


So imma be documenting something’s that have to do with my health so I remember it and not forget it 
          I don’t care if you think it’s fake but it’s just a reminder to myself about things that are happening 
          I think I’ll start it tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience that you had to read this.


// ey um
          my battery kinda low
          ill be back ok? srry :!<


@prevailinghope I’m late but whateves


@prevailinghope Imma eat something so sorry if I text late


// yo 
          ill have to be offline for a while
          ill be back to reply i promise bb <3


@munfun05 // like sched goes brr


// hihi wanna be fwends- <3


@munfun05 // lmfao yey im not alone :D


@prevailinghope  it’s ok I know the feeling