Hi guys! I wrote a new book called you and one and only you. I have updated 2 chapters. Please show some love for me by reading and supporting me. Thank you.
Hi guys! I wrote a new book called you and one and only you. I have updated 2 chapters. Please show some love for me by reading and supporting me. Thank you.
hi everyone I wrote a new book called "love you forever" it is a romantic thriller books. Today wrote my first part of the first chapter. I hope that you would read, vote and comment. Thanx a very nice day.
Hi everyone, from tomorrow onwards I'm going to update my new book love me forever. I hope everyone like it and comment it. Thanks have a wonderful day
hi guys! i just joined the wattspad and i need more ideas to update my stories. If you wait for some days i would defenetly I'll post my stories. Right now i fineshed upto 3 chapters, when i finesh correcting them. I'll update my story. It's called"MARY FAX".