
Hey BTS...just wanna say...if one day...i will stop my life as an ARMY...i hope you all will never hate me...because i’m tired of waiting...i’m tired of loving...i’m tired being hating...i just want to stop from getting too tired...not because i hate you...i really love you...really really realy really love you...your song give me motivation...make me to stop give up...but i just tired...i just want to stop...and one thing i want you to know...i really really really love you all...keep you BTS...


Hey BTS...just wanna say...if one day...i will stop my life as an ARMY...i hope you all will never hate me...because i’m tired of waiting...i’m tired of loving...i’m tired being hating...i just want to stop from getting too tired...not because i hate you...i really love you...really really realy really love you...your song give me motivation...make me to stop give up...but i just tired...i just want to stop...and one thing i want you to know...i really really really love you all...keep you BTS...


Aku prnh cite kat akk aku ad smthng abd happened kat asrma...pasru akk ak bgthu family aku...pastu family aku slhkn aku wei...wei time aku sedih gila kot...smpi skrng aku tak prnh bgthu family aku kalau aku ad prblm...aku diam je...settle sorg2...


Family aku tak thu apa2 time aku kat asrama tu wei...aku prnh call family aku...semua tak angkat wei...aku takut tau time tu...ingat ad pape lah jadi...aku call semua tau family aku semua...dlm du ahari aku call...tak angkat...pastu aku call atuk aku...tnye kan...mne family aku...atuk aku ckp...diaorg pgi holiday wei...kau thu tak mcm mne sakitnye hati aku time tu...


Bpk aku prnh paksa aku bljr lps spm...means time lps spm tu aku nak keje b4 masuk U...but bk aku srh aku masuk pra U rau...wei aku mati2 ckp dgn bpk aku time tau...mse first2 dia tnye aku...aku ckp tak nak...pastu time hari nak dftr tu...dia paksa aku gial2 wei...pastu aku terpaksa pgi...mak aku yg pujuk aku...ckp srh pgi...aku pun pgi je...nagis teruk kot aku time tu...


Aku selama hidup ni...tak prnh melawan ckp parents aku tau...aku dgr je diaorg ckp...tak prnh mintak pape...kalau dioarg bgi pun...aku tak amik...siblngs aku je yg suka mintak mcm2...patu dpt plk tu...aku je pendam perasaan aku ni...nak pape...simpan duit sendiri...pastu baru beli...


Pastu time pmr...aku pnye resukt ok kot...bpk aku ckp nak bgi smthng kat aku...pstu aku tggu wei smpi form 4...smpi nak hbis form 4...dia tak bgi papae...dia boleh belikn akk aku dslr...wei time tu aku seodh kot...kecewa...terus aku tak mntk appe dgn dia dah...


Actually aku tak nak ddk asrama...ckp dgn mak aku nak pindah...but tak bgi...ckp asrama bgus lah...but akk aku dia tak nak ddk asrama...terus parents aku tukarkn dia pgi sekoalh lain...sngt tak adil...pilih kasih...