“oh ? is that fear i see ?” ayato teasingly asked , a light chuckle escaped his lips . “they do seem a bit small for you .”
ayato nodded at the question , hand covered his mouth to hide the laughter he tried to avoid from bursting . he took a glance at the clothing he wore . not going to lie , he felt even more free than the usual days when wearing this quite revealing clothing . but then again , his line of work requires him to be formal and appropriate at all times . after all the hard work to bring the yashiro commission back to stability, he wasn’t about to sabotage it by being inappropriate. “ as much as i would like to , i know i simply cannot . it does feel more carefree wearing this though .”
@kamiyash1ro .⸍ ゛ it is ? ゛⠀ consciously ,⠀ he'd touch over his own face once or twice .⠀ though he would shrug as he felt not much different from the usual ─ ⠀aside from the fact that he could not properly breathe .⠀ itto nodded to the question ,⠀ though it would seem to bold to word it ,⠀ but his clothing on the commissioner allowed for the hidden assets to be showed off .⠀ ゛ yeah ,⠀you would rock it if ya chose to wear that everyday .⠀ 'course if ya wanna change your style to that for some reason . ゛