
So alot has changed since I made this account and I'm a totally different person, I'm thinking of making a new account and starting fresh?


@mushroom_Tori  If you want to...although you could just keep this one and modify it.


holy guacamole you're so pretty :O
          haha i haven't done my math either >:D *rebel high five*
          I have to do an hours detention as well by him lol... so far i have had two detentions by the same teacher lol.... maths
          Ihate math >-> but i love drama :D


Aw yeah that sound cute. Actually one person really swept me off my feet as he opened himself up to me. The fridge heheh ... omg bad pun lol xD 
          As that's sweet I never thought of it that way :3 are you straight no or gay? I just wanna know sorry if it's weird haha


haha me and my bestie , i'm not even kidding, at the end of insidious 2 we screamed and ran out the room wishing for a time machine to teleport us to April 15th 2015 we loved it so much. What i really love is that its turned fro a paranormal scare into something with such a plot its really gripping :o