
For now it’s 10:41 PM so I’m gonna sleep … I might be going to Germany in April for Easter to meet my uncle I don’t like Germany lol but I’ll go for him 


silent nights
          Your soul keeps knocking on my door.
          Are you an angel, or the devil at my core?
          Tattooed deep into my soul,
          Seeking forgiveness-
          Either way, I can't take this anymore.
          Apologies accepted.


I've been in the waves,
            Seeking you.
            Drowning, one last breath I ask, 
            What if the devil I meet is you?


I just finished talking with Aya and idk what i would do if I didn’t have her in my life ….she’s the best friend i ever had and I’m so glad i have her in my life. I’m more glad that i can tell her anything and everything knowing she won’t judge me. 
          She helped me a lot with my past relationship and I’m really thankful to have her and to have someone to talk with about it. she’s always been there for me and I can’t be more grateful. Not many people fortunate to meet their soulmates. 
          She also helped me realize how to appreciate other relationships i had and still have. 
          Anyways i hope we stay bff till the end of times. 


Aya is so funny  Ahmad and I pranked her AND SHE WAS SCARED and called me telling me that the Israeli occupation called her threatening her to get arrested  Ahmad Hebrew is really good. 


It was funny but i felt bad after that bcs when she called me she wanted to make sure I don’t post anything on social media and she was scared for her life what a cutie 