
Hey guys! So I'm revising the chapters I have so far of Clean Break, and I'm going to have a new chapter updated at some point this week as well, with hopefully more consistent updates in the future. I just had to get some things worked out in the story line, but now that I've got everything cleaned up, I'll try to update more often. Thanks for reading!


Hey guys! So I'm revising the chapters I have so far of Clean Break, and I'm going to have a new chapter updated at some point this week as well, with hopefully more consistent updates in the future. I just had to get some things worked out in the story line, but now that I've got everything cleaned up, I'll try to update more often. Thanks for reading!


Hey guys! So I’ve started posting the story I was working on a few months ago. It’s called Clean Break and I’ve just updated chapter 4. I’m really, really, REALLY excited about this one guys. Like I’ve already got a spin-off planned and I’ve just really got a lot in store for this one. It’s a very different plot from The Babysitter so if you were there for the father/Babysitter aspect or whatever, that is not the case here. But you might enjoy this one more possibly, and until I get further along in this one I won’t be revisiting The Babysitter. 
          Thank you for reading!!! 


Hey everyone. So you may or may not have noticed but earlier today I unpublished The Babysitter from Wattpad. I had decided to do this because I was no longer as passionate about Madeline’s story as I was when I started, and it wasn’t fair to continue writing something when my whole heart wasn’t in it. That being said, I will definitely be working on other stories which I will eventually begin publishing here on Wattpad. I won’t be doing the whole writing a chapter and updating it as soon as I’m done thing anymore, because it’s usually sloppy and not my best work and I don’t want that for my stories. I will not be republishing The Babysitter anytime in the near future, and maybe one day I’ll come back to it, but as of now I cannot bring myself to do that. 
          I have several different stories I’ve been planning and working on besides The Babysitter, two of which are supernatural stories, so I will more than likely start working on one of those more consistently before moving it here. 
          Thank you so much for all your time, consideration, and patience with The Babysitter and it’s incredibly slow updates. But for now, I’m going to say goodbye to those characters and that world, and hopefully I will have something just as captivating, or even more so, to share with you guys soon. 


@music_for_my_soul Your story was amazing and I'm sad that it is no longer continueing but, I do understand. You have to be passionate about it in order for it to work. Excited to read another story by you. <3


As much as I’m sad (because trust me the babysitter was a book I always looked forward to reading) I respect your decision and the whole point of writing is to feel what you’re writing in your heart and if you don’t  then people may like it but you won’t and trust me that makes all the difference. If you don’t like writing it and are sick of it don’t do it. Hopefully you may fall back in love with the story and  if not I wish you all the best with your other ones.


Okay I know I said I would try to update more frequently but lately I've had a lot going on with school and work and theatre and other writing projects, but I promise as soon as I can catch a break from all of that I will be writing another chapter for The Babysitter. Thank you to everyone who has read/voted the support is much appreciated! ❤️❤️


Hey guys! I'm not sure what happened, but it seems like overnight The Babysitter has gotten a lot of attention and like 120 more reads than it had the other day, and a lot more votes, which is really exciting!! I start back to school next week so I may not have a lot of time to write with some of the stuff I'll have going on, but I'm definitely going to do my best. Thank you guys for reading! Byeeee


Hi everyoneee how are you guys doing???? I've had a pretty busy summer with work and stuff and so it's been a little weird trying to balance writing on top of that but I'm trying. I noticed I've gotten like 100 more reads on The Babysitter, plus a bunch of votes, and it's even been added to someone's reading list! I really appreciate all the support and hopefully I can start working on it more here and there as I get more time and more inspiration. 
          Side note: I'm going to continue shamelessly advertising for Aly Gedgaudas, who is the creative genius behind many mythology/horror/romance stories. If you see this, please go check her out, she's amazing!!! 


Hey guys! Back again for more promotion!!! But seriously, please please please go read Betrothed To Jack Frost, y'all. It is 100000% worth it. The writing is so good and the story is incredible and has so many incredible characters and I'm just in love you guys. She's gotten to chapter 3 of the sequel and it just keeps getting better and better.  go check it out!!!!