
I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while, it's just that my dad's being very stubborn on bringing back the internet at my house( -____-"), but I am trying. AND writing, even though I should be more concerned about school right now, but I REALLY just want to write. So please just be patient with me. Thanks for understanding and have a wonderful day. :)


I'm sorry I haven't updated for a while, it's just that my dad's being very stubborn on bringing back the internet at my house( -____-"), but I am trying. AND writing, even though I should be more concerned about school right now, but I REALLY just want to write. So please just be patient with me. Thanks for understanding and have a wonderful day. :)


You should read this book, Beyond Twilight: Last High Blood.
          summary: Artemis Columbine, previously known as Fennel August, was killed on that one fateful night by a Crazed vampire. It wasn't a coincidence that he wanted to sink his teeth on her neck, she possessed the powers of an ultimate ruler of them all.
          High Blood.
          Saved from Oblivion, a place of darkness and sorrow, her memories were lost forever. Meet Lord Marcus, an old vampire that was respected by all. From werewolves to witches. The only sole reason he saved Artemis was because she resembled his granddaughter.
          So what happens when Artemis finally regain her memories? Would she stay with Lord Marcus or find her human parents? Or worse, recover her rightful throne and slaughter anyone that comes in her way?
          Read this story as it unravels the adventures beyond twilight.