
10 days till my birthday!


          (Got an idea for an all human au)
          -Connor's brother
          -SUPER overprotective
          -Acts sassy and rude, but honestly would do anything to make Connor or whoever he's close too happy even if it's something he doesn't want to do
           -Job: He works mostly on armed robbery or theft cases 
          Police partner: Gavin (sometimes Hank and Connor)
          -Dating Gavin 
          -Super flipping sarcastic and not afraid to stand up for those he cares about. Tends to act cold and annoyed around anyone. Is willing to hurt people (and has probably hurt people) for Connor
          -Strong dislike for Hank
          -Rk's brother
          -Tends to get super focused and distant during investigations
          -Generally innocent and tries to make everyone  happy but he can kill you if he has to
           -Job: he works on homicide cases for the police forces but also works on alot of robbery cases
          -Police partner: Hank (Sometimes Rk and Gavin)
          -Dating (if not including oc's): no one
          -Dating (if including oc's): Matt
          -Optimistic but is easily stressed out and storms off in the middle of conversations if he gets really stressed and or angry
          -Hank is like a father figure to him, but he has a hard time trusting Gavin even though he tries to
           -No known siblings
          -Gets angry very easily and tends to snap and get himself drunk resulting in several suicide attempts
           -Job: he works on homicide cases for the police forces but also works on alot of robbery cases
          -Police partner: Connor (sometimes Gavin and Rk)
          Dating: none
          -Easily angered and not very trusting 
          -Josh's brother
          -Stands up for anyone he feels is being treated unfairly or unjustly
          -Big planner
          -Job: he works with the police force on homicide cases
          -Parnter(s): Simon, North, and Josh
          -Dating: Simon
          -Very serious and nearly always stressed, but if you can get him to loosen up a bit he can be very lighthearted 
          -He has a strong relationship with all three of his partners and


          would die for any of them
          -Kara's brother 
          -Alot of times very neutral and usually goes along with Markus unless he genuinely disagrees
          -Very light hearted and optimistic. He just wants the best for everyone
           -Job: he works with the police force on homicide cases 
          -Partner(s): Markus, North, and Josh 
          -Dating: Markus
          -Tries to be optimistic and work towards the best options, but likes to think things through for a minute instead of acting rashly
           -No known siblings
           -Very sarcastic and rude to those he doesn't like and yells alot when he's angry
           - He never stops throwing insults
           -Job: He works mostly on armed robbery or theft cases 
           -Partner: Rk (Sometimes Hank or Connor)
          -Dating: Rk
           -he lives on coffee and barely ever sleeps 
          - Straight
           -Simon's sister
           -Very motherly and sweet 
           -She's very caring and tries to help those less fortunate than her if she can
          -Job: She works at a small coffee shop across from the police station where alot of the officers go 
           -Partner: ?
           -Married to: Luther
           -She's a mother to Alice who she legally adopted
           -No known siblings
           -He's a big sports person and nearly always turns football on on the coffee shop tv
           -He doesn't like lying or stealing but takes those close to him into consideration before anyone else
           -Job: He works at a small coffee shop across from thebpolice station where alot of the officers go 
           -Partner: ?
           -Married to: Kara
           -He's a father to Alice
           -No known siblings
           -She's very physical and gets into bar fights even when she's not drunk
           -She has a soft spot for Markus and likes to help him out. She also used to have a crush on him until he started dating Simon.
           -Job: She works with the police force on homicide cases 
           -Partner(s): Josh, Markus, and Simon
           -Dating: Josh
            -She likes to tease Josh and embarrass him because she thinks he's adorable when he


          blushes, although she would never admit it.
          -Markus's brother
           -He's very pacifist and actively tries to avoid or split up fights.
           -He's very distant to those he doesn't like and ignores them for the most part
           -Job: He works with the police force on homicide cases 
           -Partner(s): North, Simon, and Markus
            -Dating: North 
           -He's easily embarassed and tries to avoid talking about anything particularly embarassing
           -She doesn't really know much about sexuality yet
           -No known siblings
           -She's easily scared doesn't like loud noises
           -She's a great judge of character most of the time and can easily decide whether to trust someone or not
           -No known siblings
           -He's really sarcastic but once you get to know him he's a really big softy (for the most part)
           -He's really into photography and recording movies or videos
           -Job: he works at a big construction site 
           -Partner: ?
           -Dating: Connor
            -He's super clumsy and easily distracted but tries to cover it up by blaming it on other things or people 
           -No known siblings
           -Very serious person and tends to lie about anything that has a chance of getting her or someone she cares about in trouble 
           -She doesn't go easy on people
            -Job: She works on homicide cases for the police force
           -Partner(s): Hank and Connor
            -She doesnt open uo much unless she really trust you
          (Toby is my friend's oc and I do not claim her to be mine)


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Just finished Detroit Become Human and holy shit. That was awesome. I've only seen people play it, but I recently got it as an early Christmas gift from my best friend and I stayed up late for a few days (not like i would sleep at all if I was trying to anyways) so I could finish it and I have to admit I loved it. I'm probably gonna play throught it again ovver break though since I killed Simon, Luther, Kara, and Josh but lrts not get into that