
If anyone has any questions about my Supn series, need anything cleared up, or simply just want to know where the series is heading, please let me know below! Yes, I plan to UPDATE SOON. I feel bad because I haven't, but I love that you guys are still interested and involved in my stories, it means a bunch to me. So, if you do, please leave me a comment and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities in a video on YouTube because it'll be easier for me. Thanks everyone!


If anyone has any questions about my Supn series, need anything cleared up, or simply just want to know where the series is heading, please let me know below! Yes, I plan to UPDATE SOON. I feel bad because I haven't, but I love that you guys are still interested and involved in my stories, it means a bunch to me. So, if you do, please leave me a comment and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities in a video on YouTube because it'll be easier for me. Thanks everyone!


Hey everyone, sorry for the wait, but I finally got the chance to continue writing again. Writing a sequel is harder than I thought it'd be. Anyways, just wanted to keep y'all updated and as always, thank you for the reads, votes and comments. You awesome readers make it worth writing.


So this is just a blatant thought, but for anyone reading my 'My World Is...Supernatural' would you guys be interested in me bringing Cas in? I just have some little blurbs in my head going on about making him an addition. Leave me some feedback below if you want. Thanks! :)


So, everybody, I'd really really like to know if I should put up my FOB story on here that I've been working on for a couple years while I was working with bands.....I need your feedback desperately right now, as a friend, fan, and a writer. Everything gets extremely sporadic and hectic towards the Fall and Winter season with all of the stuff I'll be working on for college (art, tattoos, theater work, etc.)
          I'll still be working on the other stories and such as well. I finally have my microsoft office again, so I can continue writing Losing All Sanity and Unexpected and Underended, but definitely let me know  please. Love ya!