
Geez, it's been ages since I've been on here, how is everyone?


          it's been a while since I've been on and active.
          my laptop that I thought was going to work ended up breaking before I could write more of my story. But I got a new one... yay! 
          So hopefully I'll be able to update my story, finally! 
          and I should have followed everyone back, if I didn't PLEASE message me and I'll follow you :)


When will you update "Faking Her Way Through"?


@Blake_is_Awesome I'm sorry I took so long to answer! I don't get on wattpad as much as I used to.
            I have no idea when I will because my laptop isn't working anymore and school makes me crazy busy..
            I'll update it as soon as I can! I'm sorry I've been leaving you and my other readers hanging for so long, figured no one wanted to read it tbh