
Hey guys! It's been awhile, but after a break I'm back now and I'm trying to finish up Guitar Girl for you guys. So hopefully that will be done and posted soon! Thanks for sticking with me. :)


Hey guys!
          I'm so sorry for the unexpected absence from Wattpad. I was feeling pressured by a lot of things and unhappy in general because of stupid drama. I decided I really needed to focus on school and my grades.
          So yeah, that's where I was. But now it's summer! No drama, no school, no pressure. I can finally get back to writing.
          Updates coming soon hopefully!
          If you're still here thanks for sticking with me and having patience.


Hey guys! I can't believe its been a month since I updated a story or posted a message. Yeah, life just got incredibly hectic and it was not good. But I have a pretty free weekend so I'll be working on an update. Hope you guys are doing well!