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I just wanna talk about STARLIGHT BOYS real quick. That sh1t is just straight-up humiliation and violation. what do you mean, TRAINEES, who are mostly UNDER AGE, have to dance for HOURS WITHOUT PROPER BREAKS just to get eliminated?!?!?! Even ERIC from the boyz, who's an ACTIVE idol, said that the signal-song dance was too difficult, SO WHAT THE FXXK DO THEY EXPECT FROM TRAINEES!??! also, I could just slap Seunggi all across his face for his sh1t. It's so sad that they just ignore the fact that trainees spoke up and tried to tell them that they're human and not machines, but the stupid judges just ignore it. Yes, they are there to become idols, but not to get fxxking HOSPITALIZED!!!!!! I didn't even get myself to finish the 2nd episode because of this. Also, the ranking of this is just so disrespectful. for example: SYO had a great performance (imo) but he gets 0 stars!!!! (probably because he looks too 'American' and because he's too 'tan' and sh1t) And that they even said 'american style' fits better to him even though he SLAYED that K-pop concept. This whole show should be canceled. they're too stupid to realize that someone can di3 from being too exhausted, and it wonders me that none of the trainees actually did. It's good that none of them di3d, but it wouldn't wonder me if it would've happened. I just hope they either cancel this sh1t or they realize that these kids are literally getting 'abu$3d' there!!!

@must-be-nice- you're so right about this , even in kpop concerts, the idols take some breaks while talking to their fans, they don't just dance continuously for HOURS straight. That was just so stupid and absurd