
The Magical Worlds of Johnny Rikkens just ranked #2 on middle-grade!
          	Thank you sooo much for the support!!!


Hey! A LONG while back, I was reading your book, Johnny Rikkens. I see it has been unpublished. I'm sorry I wasn't able to read to the end, but things got very busy for me. I am still going to be busy, with NaNoWriMo coming up. But I thought I'd message you and let you know that I randomly thought of you and told myself I'd make sure to finish your book at the first opportunity I had. So sorry that won't be working out...


@ACSutliff thank you for your support. I hope I'll succeed, and if I do, be sure I'll help you with your book.


I see! Good luck querying! I’ll be first in line to buy the book when it comes out! 