
Hey, everyone! So, I haven’t payed attention to my fanfics in a few months, but I’m gonna continue working on a couple of chapters later and I’ll definitely try to update sometime this week


What is up everyone? I am doing super awesome today! I just updated my Make It Pop fanfic. Let me tell you, I am so happy I'm finally putting this up. I've had this idea for a while and I just had to post it. The chapter came out longer than expected so now it's a two parter. I will give you guys more info on what I have planned. Corki has a new love interest which will be sort of a surprise to you guys, Caleb dates someone new, as well, and things change for the band. Not gonna say for better or for worse. You're just gonna have to stay tuned 


I'm considering changing the art for The Mirror, maybe adding more detail, making it a bit more dramatic. A one-shot series is also in the works. Maybe it'll be Ever After High, maybe it'll be Monster High, maybe it'll be both. Who knows? Just an idea, so far. I have so many ideas that I can never put into full stories, so why turn them into one shots. That could be fun. Anyways, that was all I wanted to say. 
          Later ✌️️✨


I am not done with Chapter 8 of The Mirror. I decided to take a break and work on that tomorrow because I am now doing chapter 2 of my Make It Pop fanfic. I've actually had this idea of where I want this story to go for probably a month now and I am finally working on it and it makes me happy. All I'll say is that something big happens to Sun-Hi and she'll have this realization of her and her friends and the chapter will be pretty long, so be prepared. If I ever take breaks from my fanfic, it's to either work on my videos (which is another thing I love to. Work hard on) or to just watch Liza videos. I mean, she is hilarious. But, yeah, that's my update for you guys. I can't wait for you to read what happens next. I love you guys so much and it really makes me happy that you guys enjoy reading these stories. 
          Later ✌️️✨


This is a public announcement for you guys. I am very sorry for not updating my recent fanfics. It's been a while and I hope to get working on both right away. I'll try to make sure I get at least one chapter uploaded by this weekend. If I don't, you can personally come to my house and say "Hey! Get working on that fanfic, lazy! It's been 85 years since you've last updated" and I'll immediately start writing (that's a joke, don't actually do that )


I had hoped people would like my Monster High/Ever After High fanfic. I worked pretty hard to come up with a creative story for this crossover. But I had no idea that 300 people would actually read this. A few of my notifications are people adding this story I their lists. I'm shocked and happy at the same time. Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you like the next chapter I have planned