Feelings are a dumb thing.. I should be happy that he's making time for me and wanting to play with me and Ghassio, but something about the time we spend together now is somewhat bittersweet. Nothing is ever going to be as it was. He was there, playing tonight, yes, but he was also occupied with someone else's conversations. I feel like we never have time for just us-- which is stupid, he's not my boyfriend, he's just my best friend. But still. While we were playing val, he was having a conversation with someone and not paying any attention to the game. That's not very fair for me or the person he was talking to because neither of us got his undivided attention. So I decided to just leave the call and play quietly on my own. What's the point of talking or being on call when I'm not going to be heard anyway. It seems that every time I talk to my friends now, my feelings are getting hurt. And it's not their fault, it's just how life is. Life is busy, I get that. I'm not blaming anyone, I'm just writing out how I feel in a blog where no one will read it.