
... I'm done with today I don't know how Autumn stopped being depressed but people don't ever support me and I'm feeling really lost and I don't know where to go. I just want someone to love me and respect me and it's just AGH. I wish I could "forgive and forget" but I can't! Autumn and I are/were depressed for a reason. She did some things that she utterly regrets. I get teased about things and it's getting annoying. I don't think anyone ever WILL love me. 


... I'm done with today I don't know how Autumn stopped being depressed but people don't ever support me and I'm feeling really lost and I don't know where to go. I just want someone to love me and respect me and it's just AGH. I wish I could "forgive and forget" but I can't! Autumn and I are/were depressed for a reason. She did some things that she utterly regrets. I get teased about things and it's getting annoying. I don't think anyone ever WILL love me.