
Ok so I'm not updating this week on Faded, because I am writing a one shot ( only one chapter ) story and entering it in the fan fic contest. I'm really excited becuz I found a really good idea I want to write about. I'm hoping u guys read it and like.


@YouDontNeedToKnowMeX I'm really glad that you liked it sorry that I couldn't finish it. Though, I do have another fan-fiction I am currently writing that I definitely finishing you can read that if you want. Plus I love the name Arina, I want to name my daughter that when I grow up lol and your English is great :)


@YouDontNeedToKnowMeX "You and Me" was deleted because of many different reasons. First I was running out of ideas and was stuck, second it was starting to sound a lot like my other story I am currently writing, and lastly a girl on wattpad told me how the story sounded to close to her story and I read her story and it sounds similar but nothing like what I had planned with mine. So in total I decided to remove it from wattpad. I'm sorry if you were a reader that enjoyed the story I hope you forgive me for not finishing it. (PS Yeah I'm a guy)